Sunday, August 7, 2011

Up, up Jesus... Down, down devil!!!!!

Today marked the first day we were able to meet with the the people in the community of Biwi. We were invited to join them to worship and hear the word of God, during there very lively Sunday morning service at the Biwi Pentecostal church. "UP UP Jesus..... down down devil" was the repeated introduction the church offered us to start the service. The congregation was very warm and welcoming, giving us some insight on what to expect in the upcoming week.
We were informed this morning before we left for church; that our driver waited in line a total of 15 hours yesterday to refill the fuel in our van, he was without food, as he was not going to loose his spot in line. Praise God for him!
We invited our driver to come along with us for lunch, and we were all very happy to have pizza, it helps us to all feel a little more at home. We just spent the rest of the Sunday afternoon catching up on our sleep, and taking some time to catch up on a few things we were now able to.
Thanks for the prayers, and I ask that they be continued as we embark on a new adventure.

Sala to the Kawale kids otherwise known as Sara

1 comment:

  1. not sure if my comment will show up 2x. But I will try again. I don't know if I could wait in a lineup for 15 hours for fuel. We don't have the patience..b/c we are so bogged down with all that society demands of us. We can learn so much from those whom we believe have 'nothing'. It is all a matter of perspective I think. Continuing to pray for the team. For safety, energy and perseverance.
