Friday, July 29, 2011

While you were sleeping....

Last Night, when you were getting ready for bed our Team started off from London to Addis Ababa flying over Greece and over the Adriatic Sea and The Ionian Sea and the Mediterraean Sea and close to the Red Sea. Not bad for a nights "work" is it. The flights have all gone well, with the exception of two health emergencies.
Wednesday evening we had an emergency on board and a sick man had to be evacuated by medics. We back tracked to Montreal and landed there and consequently we had a three hour delay.
On the Thursday night's flight Liz had a chance to practice her nursing skills on a sick lady but she felt well after one hour and a doctor confirmed that she would be fine so no emergency landing would be necessary.
Today we arrived in Malawi around noon and we were warmly welcomed by the representatives from Biwi and Kawali. The temperature is in the mid 20's. A Beautiful sunny day!
Please pray that the 3 missing pieces of luggage will arrive on another Ethiopian plane tomorrow. Otherwise we are all fine and excited to be here!
Liz and Alice

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you have all made it there safely. Praying all your luggage will arrive and for health and unity. God Bless you all!

    Carmen Matthies
