Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunset on the Savannah

  • Early Saturday morning we went on a once in a lifetime adventure. After a stop at the pottery factory, the final leg of our 4.5 hour drive was 16km on a dusty, narrow, sandy African path full of potholes, which ended with our arrival at Mvuu. After a delicious lunch of Chomba ( Malawian fish) , roasted potatoes, and a luscious milk tart dessert, we headed on a Black Rhino drive that ended with a drink and popcorn as we watched the amazing red sun go down by the Shire River in the company of hippos, wart hogs, impalas, and a variety of birds.
  • After watching the red sun in the west, we turned around to witness the beautiful full moon rise in the east. Our driver Frank also showed us the Southern Cross, which is only seen in the southern hemisphere.
  • Instead of waking to the crow of the rooster, we heard elephants chomping leaves and hippos grunting outside our chalet. The 5:30 wakeup call was early, but well worth the safari hike where we were led by our guide in the front and scout with a rifle at the back for protection. We made sure we stayed out of the path of the elephant who was in close proximity, saw a variety of wild life, and returned for a 7am breakfast. The boat ride was a highlight in that God provided us with a glorious show of an elephant herd that had just come to the river for their morning drink. Nearby, a large number of crocs were sunning themselves on the river bank, and hippos were enjoying their morning swim.
  • Everything from our lodging, to the food, service and guides was superior.
  • Saturday evening and Sunday morning we took time to debrief in preparation for our homecoming.
  • Tomorrow we are anticipating a day of helping at Children of Blessing which is a facility to empower mothers of special needs children.
  • Your tired but happy WMBC2011 team.


  1. So glad you got fuel and were able to experience the beauty of this adventure too! I'm going to miss reading about your days when you leave to come home but I also look forward to hearing more stories about God at work in Malawi and in each team member.

  2. you have all experienced so much the last number of weeks. We have been blessed to follow along and pray alongside...Thank you for the regular updates and sharing of pictures. Safari also sounds like such an amazing experience...and the many ways in which you shared God's love to the widows and orphans. Praying for safety as you journey home.
